This is Clark Bartram he is our spokes person for ACE and this is the up coming September Issue- provided by my upline! Oh I am so excited about this issue. At first I thought well- I am not a big fan of other peoples husbands. I mean I really don't get what people get so excited about- if you have a husband, you should not be looking at other men- any way if you have ONE man in your life do you really want another? So when my UPLINE gave me this today- WHEW was I excited. Really- upclose and personal information on what types of products he takes and why. I was kind of surprised. Now I have seen several of his posts and his Saba MONDAY MORNING MOTIVATION videos and he talks about certain product- but did not realize WHY HE TOOK THOSE? hmm... well here is some of what he had to say! I am not going to spoil it for you---Just down and dirty on a few products (we have more than just ACE)!
I will also add the ingredients to these products as some people are about investigating thier own information- WHICH I ADVISE YOU DO! PLEASE check it out for yourself- you may find some side effects, but taking baby tylenol you may have side effects as well- ya know?
Clark Bartram has told us he uses ACE as "pre work out energy"- I think we have covered that in the last posts ( go check them out!) -$60.00 a bottle or go to top of page to Order ACE there ($59.00 plus shipping and handling and tax).
-multivitamin and mineral supplement. -$64.00 retail
Suggested Use:
| Primary Ingredients:
- Meal replacement powder.-$45.00 retail
Suggested Use:
Primary Ingredients:
-to keep you going regular (number 2). -retail$32.00
Suggested Use:
| Primary Ingredients:
-excellent antioxidant. -retail for $64.00
Suggested Use:
Primary Ingredients:
-adaptogenic her formulation.- retail for $47.00
According to our personal websites- this product is good for ongoing stress relief, Immune system and energy. Primary Herbs:*Eleutherococcus*Rhaponticum*Carthamoide*Rhodiola Rosea*Golden Molasses*Rosa Majalis*Aralia Mandshurica *Schizandra*Chinese Licorice
If you are needing more information on these products- let me know. I can get all of that listed on my blog for you. I will tell you I have only listed the retail price here- but if you are intersted in one or more products- you should becoema preferred customer-that way you can get some products for a little as $3.00 and have the ability to get the "monthly specials" only ASSOCIATES and PREFERRED CUTSOMERS get those prices- no one else can! COntact me at one of the tabs above if interested. I also have an electronic copy of the full catalog if you would like an emailed copy just email me at
I will tell you I am actually impressed with this magazine- alot of questions and answers there is a meal plan in it as well as a work out regimen. Really male or female if you are looking for something to help you get started- I think this is a good start. Also I should mention- I DID NOT KNOW HOW BIG OF A "ROCKSTAR" HE WAS IN THE WORLD OF FITNESS. But truly his word does hold some klout in the work out world!
I just found out I can order these for you! HOW COOL IS THAT! Or you can order it in your back office.